notice: RaceHero will officially be retired on December 31, 2024. As you plan for your 2025 events, we encourage you to transition to Speedhive, our recommended platform moving forward. We deeply appreciate your support and passion over the years—thank you for being part of our journey!


Treino Livre 1 Practice

Kartodromo Registro
JT72 Cup 2024 2ª Etapa - 1 km (cw)
09/07/2024 5:39pm

Andre Baumgarth Carvalho Monteiro

Leandro Ribeiro de Siqueira

Danilo Jose Teixeira

Michael Wellinton Gomes Barbosa

Fernando de Almeida Olegario

Edson Luiz de Farias

Thiago Eduardo Correia e Souza

Davison Moreno Mota Silveira

Marcio Willians Gomes

Rafael Perez Soares Rodrigues

Results posted: 09/07/2024 6:49pm

Chief of Timing & Scoring

Race Director